Hello Craig I have some questions to ask you that you should have asked 3 years ago 

Would you be prepared to change everything in your life

Are you willing to go to any length to meet those changes  

Are you prepared to give up everything to understand what it’s all about 

Are you prepared to learn about self love 

Do you want to find out about all those deep dark secrets you have managed to hide for years lifetimes

Are you ready to face fear that will over power you daily and bring out a side if you hidden since childhood 

Are u ready to loose the love of another you felt sure would be there as a rock forever 

What a list !!!! is it all that bad  no it’s a beginning thru the pain come the anger of loss and past abuse that I had no control over then there is the sadness from the grief of loss list potential then after the grief comes the truth from which you can build a new foundation so had I a choice to do it again would I ??????? 

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